B246 Drug & Alcohol Standard Update
Why has the Drugs & Alcohol (D&A) Standard been updated?
Better protect the safety of our colleagues, contractors and passengers – inline with our lifesaving rule
Continue to enable Network Rail to comply with the Transport and Works Act 1992
Provide better support for colleagues who have D&A misuse concerns
D&A failures have been increasing annually:
What are the consequences of a positive D&A test, or refusing a test?
Subject to disciplinary processes and procedures (all)
Personal Track Safety (PTS) certificate and permission to work in a safety critical capacity on NR managed infrastructure revoked for five years (all)
Sentinel card (passport to work on the railway) cancelled for five years (Sentinel card holders)
Job offer rescinded (prospective candidates only)
Let’s all be clear - next steps:
Remind your colleagues and team that support is available for drug & alcohol misuse via your sponsor.
Review the updated D&A standard attached in this briefing
For any questions or feedback please contact info@pendersons.com