B246 Drug & Alcohol Standard Update NR/L2/OHS/00120

B246 Drug & Alcohol Standard Update

Why has the Drugs & Alcohol (D&A) Standard been updated?

  • Better protect the safety of our colleagues, contractors and passengers – inline with our lifesaving rule

  • Continue to enable Network Rail to comply with the Transport and Works Act 1992

  • Provide better support for colleagues who have D&A misuse concerns

  • D&A failures have been increasing annually:

What are the consequences of a positive D&A test, or refusing a test?

  • Subject to disciplinary processes and procedures (all)

  • Personal Track Safety (PTS) certificate and permission to work in a safety critical capacity on NR managed infrastructure revoked for five years (all)

  • Sentinel card (passport to work on the railway) cancelled for five years (Sentinel card holders)

  • Job offer rescinded (prospective candidates only)

Let’s all be clear - next steps:

  • Remind your colleagues and team that support is available for drug & alcohol misuse via your sponsor.

  • Review the updated D&A standard attached in this briefing

  • For any questions or feedback please contact info@pendersons.com


B246 D&A Standard Update

Acknowledgement Slip

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