B255 Network Rail Safety Bulletin NRB23-04

Cable breach during rail burning activity

Issued to: Network Rail line managers, safety professionals and accredited contractors
Ref: NRB23-04
Date of issue: 17/04/2023
Location: Totnes, Devon
Contact: Mark Dobson, Programme Engineering Manager, Route Services

Colleague unknowingly hits cable leaving them in
a state of shock and taking down the signalling power.


Discussion Points;

  • What are the benefits of pre work surveys and risk assessments regarding potentially vulnerable equipment?

  • What work do you have planned that might affect cables?

  • The outcome of these surveys and risk assessments may influence where tasks such as the one in this incident are undertaken.

  • What checks do you do before starting work, to make sure that you don’t disturb cables?

Please leave you comments on the topic/discussion points in the comments section and one of our specialists will get back to you shortly.


B255 NRB23-04

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