B258 Access to TXM Plant’s Beckingham Depot/Training Centre

We have received some information from TXM Plant Beckingham Depot regarding access:




We are in the process of obtaining planning permission to extend our premises that will benefit all businesses within. Unfortunately, the residents are complaining about vehicles that are still travelling down Mutton Lane and into the yard. We have sent emails previously to ask people to stop accessing the yard from this way, but a few have ignored this and are still doing so. This could go against our favour in obtaining planning permission.

Registration numbers are now being recorded by the residents and complaints are being sent to Sandy Difuria. So going forward, if we receive another complaint along with the registration of the vehicle, we have no other option but to ban that driver from the yard.

It is in your best interest to inform all members of staff, visitors, suppliers, family members and anyone who comes into the yard to use and ONLY use the A631 and off the dual carriageway. I have attached a map to assist.

  1. Coming from Gringley, continue to the roundabout DO NOT turn down onto Mutton Lane.

  2. Leaving the yard, RIGHT turn ONLY and then onto the dual carriageway.

Mutton Lane onto Wood Lane is for residents access only so please respect this.

We hope that all will adhere to this so we can keep our neighbours happy.


B258 Access to TXM Plant (Trainers)

Acknowledgement Slip

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