Minor Foot Injury Exacerbated By Incorrect Footwear.
Issued to: All Network Rail line managers, safety professionals and accredited contractors
Ref: NRL23-02
Date of issue: 13/06/2023
Location: Westbury Aggregate Handling Depot
Contacts: Mark Farrow, Project Manager (HSE), SCO Capital Programmes Aonghus McGinn, Health & Safety Manager, SCO Capital Programmes
*Check Your Boots. They should comply with Network Rail’s Standard NR/L2/OHS/021 – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This standard "applies to all NRIL employees, and contractors / suppliers working on NRIL's behalf" and states that "All safety footwear provided shall comply as a minimum with the requirements of EN ISO 20345:2011" which, in turn, requires midsole protection (SBP, S1P, S3 or S5).
P16 PPE Updated to reflect Network Rail Standards.
A Key Change is that we have been notified of items that are not approved for wear.
3.5 Items of PPE not approved or permitted for use:
The following items are not approved or permitted for use
● Rigger boots - Lack of ankle support to prevent twisting on uneven ground;
● Rigger Gloves - Lack of protection due to poor cut and puncture resistance
● Shorts or 3⁄4 Trousers - Are not permitted due to risks from slipes, trips and falls, lineside
vegetation, sunburn, sparks, chemicals, vermin and inset bites.
● Personal beanie hats, bandanas and balaclavas should not be worn under safety helmets/hard hats whist working. Only approved and issued thermal under-helmets and balaclavas with the provision of side mesh to aid hearing are permitted for use.