Good Afternoon,
Please see below Document Review DCN001, which highlighted two updates NR/L3/MTC/RCS0216 and NR/L3/INV/3001.
NR/L3/MTC/RCS0216 Risk Control Manual - 4 Modules have been updated
NR/L3/MTC/RCS0216/SP07 Use of Iron Men (Issue 3)
NR/L3/MTC/RCS0216/SP08 Use of Manual Trolleys / Rail Skate / Scooter (Issue 4)
NR/L3/MTC/RCS0216/SP21 Use of Brush Cutter / Strimmer / Hedge Trimmer / Mechanised Pole Saw (Issue 6)
NR/L3/MTC/RCS0216/TK42 Stressing (CWR) & Stress Monitoring ( Not CWR Issue 3) - Not relevant
NR/L3/INV/3001 Reporting and Investigation Manual (Issue 8)
Removal of NR/L3/INV/3001/905