The Use of Prescribed Medicinal Cannabis
Issued to: All Network Rail line managers, safety professionals and accredited contractors.
Ref: NRA24-13
Date of issue: 04/12/2024
Location: National
Contact: Health and Wellness Team
This safety bulletin clarifies the position of Network Rail on the use of prescribed medicinal cannabis.
It applies to use by all individuals employed or contractually undertaking work activity for and or on behalf of Network Rail.
Sponsors in the Network Rail Supply Chain are expected to establish their own processes to meet these requirements.
Prescribed Medicinal Cannabis use:
Network Rail considers the use of prescribed medicinal cannabis to be unacceptable other than for treating a medical condition listed in the National Institute for Care and Excellence guidance (NICE guidelines).
Acceptable use include:
• Rare forms of epilepsy.
• Vomiting or nausea caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy.
• Muscle stiffness and spasms due to multiple sclerosis.
Where an individual is using prescribed medicinal cannabis to manage a condition listed above Network Rail
will arrange a case-by-case assessment to consider reasonable adjustments.
Action required
Actions to take when an individual declares use of prescribed medicinal cannabis.
• The individual must declare use of prescribed medicinal cannabis to their line manager and or to Chemist on call.
• The Chemist on call will not advise on acceptability of use – but will inform the Network Rail line manager to refer the individual to NR inhouse Occupational Health Service for confirmation.
• The Network Rail line manager must contact HR Direct on 0800 0 546 547 to raise an employment case.
• The Network Rail line manager must apply a suspension from duties.
• The Network Rail line manager must refer the individual to the inhouse Occupational Health Service for their confirmation of medicinal cannabis use.
• The Occupational Health Service must provide confirmation to the line manager on acceptability of use as guided by NICE.
• The Network Rail Line manager will update HR Direct on the Occupational Health outcome.
Actions to take where use of medicinal cannabis is confirmed as unacceptable:
• The individual shall remain on suspension as advised by HR Direct.
• The Network Rail line manager with advice from HR Direct will advise the individual to contact
their GP or specialist doctor to discuss alternative treatment or therapy.
• The suspension will be lifted on the individual declaration that they no longer use prescribed medicinal cannabis and they have received a negative D+A test result as part of a 12- week voluntary active monitoring programme. Consequences of continued unacceptable use:
Continued unacceptable use of prescribed medicinal cannabis is considered a breach of the NR/L2/OHS/00120 drugs and alcohol standard and Network Rail life-saving rules. Disciplinary Procedure.
Any individual using prescribed medicinal cannabis and who is required to undergo a drugs and alcohol test, will likely receive a positive test result. In all positive cases Network Rail would commence disciplinary procedures.