Safety Alert NRX22-02 – A serious incident has taken place

Safety Alert - Fatality due to fall from height

Scope: All Network Rail line managers, safety professionals and accredited contractors
Ref: NRX22-02
Date: 09/11/2022
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Contact: Innis Keith, Health Safety & Environment Director, Scotland



At approximately 1400 on the 3rd of November, a
scaffolding inspector employed by a sub-contractor
to a Principal Contractor, fell to his death through a
Skylight on the roof of an industrial unit in
The industrial unit was being refurbished for use as
a Network Rail Works Delivery location.
The inspection of the scaffold was not planned
until the following day and there was no written
record of the inspector’s arrival on site.
On arrival the inspector accessed the scaffold and
for reasons currently not known, he proceeded to
access the roof of the building.
Approximately 10 metres toward the apex of the
roof, the inspector fell through a skylight into the
building below.
This tragic event is subject to internal and Health
& Safety Executive investigation.



B229 NRB22-12

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