T0011 Fire Prevention & Control

Fire Prevention and Control

Overview This talk will cover: fire prevention, precautions, types of extinguishers and actions on fire.

Actions to take in event of fire

1 Raise the alarm and then call the fire brigade.
2 Close doors and windows to prevent the spread of fire.
3 Evacuate the building or area you are working in.
4 Fight the fire with extinguishers provided but don’t put yourself at risk.
Don’t use water to put out electrical fires.

Fire extinguishers

1 All new and refurbished extinguishers will be coloured red with a contrasting colour panel to indicate the contents.
2 Water (red) – use on paper, wood and solid flammables.

3 CO2 (black) – use on liquids, gases and electrical fires.
4 Foam (cream) use on burning liquid fires, NOT to be used on electrical or Flammable Metal fires.
5 Powder (Blue Label) – Used for: Liquid, Electrical, Wood, Paper & Textile Fires NOT for Metal fires


T0011 Fire Prevention

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